Monday, February 13, 2012

The path to healthy


     So there is a new fad out there & it's surprisingly very healthy!  After watching Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead on Netflix, it made the Mr. & I rethink our eating habits. Now, he is genealogically blessed.  This boy can eat WHATEVER he wants and doesn't gain a pound. Me on the other hand, am pregnant, so everything I have been eating goes straight to my thighs.   Trying out this new fad wasn't about loosing weight for either one of was about getting healthy.  I'm always telling him that I want him around until he is 100 years old, and that we are going to live a long, healthy life.  So, off to Target we went!  We bought a shiny, new juicer and even got it on sale!!! ($70 bucks instead of $100) Score!
      Luckily, we have the luxury of having a Sprouts right across the street from us, so we can stock up on CHEAP produce, I mean this stuff is practically free.  A container of blueberries for .77 cents...doesn't get much better.  All in all, between the both of us to juice once daily, we spend on average about $10 every three days, but is totally worth it in our eyes.
     So, about 3 weeks of juicing in, and we feel incredible.  It's interesting just how much better you feel when you actually get your daily intake of greens.  If you can afford this healthy habit, I would highly recommend it.  Besides, nothing is more important than your health.  Also, check out the documentary I mentioned will seriously change your life.  (if you don't have Netflix, I know they have it on either or for free)

     Just another little added testimony, I challenged my mom to try this out to get her healthy again.  She has high blood pressure (the scary high) and has been juicing for 2 weeks now.  In her first week, she just did juice in the morning and substituted her breakfast.  After week 1, she lost 8lbs and an entire pant size! Now, in week two, she is doing juice for breakfast AND lunch.  She feels great and wants to continue her quest for healthy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

25 weeks!

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His or her weight – a pound and a half – isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but your baby is beginning to exchange that long, lean look for some baby fat. As this happens, wrinkled skin will smooth out and your baby will start to look more and more like a newborn. Your baby is also growing more hair – and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Girl Time

Today was mine & Violet's first date.  She has been craving TEX-MEX, so I treated her to a little Chipotle.  After that, she was moving like never before. (Did I mention that her kicks are getting MUCH stronger) That girl is going to love Mexican food just like her mama. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lipstick Lovers

Hey girls!  Why is it that so many of us are scared to wear RED lipstick?  I know that the 1980's scared us away from wearing BLUE eyeshadow, but the classiness of lipstick and oh-so-glamorous-feel is something we should all be running toward.  For me, I'm a lipstick lover...reds, pinks, neon colors, orange, pales, nudes...I would sport them all, depending on my mood, of course.  But for you girlfriends out there who love the look and are a little skeptical to try, here are some tips I picked up from REAL SIMPLE Magazine to help ease you into the world of lipstick.

 Wearing Brave Red by M.A.C., showing off my baby bump :)
Consider the lighting. "If you're going to be outdoors, pick a softer or sheerer shade," says Rachel Lockhart, owner of Rachel's Makeup Studio, in Boston. "For evening, go bolder, so your features stand out."

Avoid deep reds if you have thin lips. They tend to make lips look smaller (this one is very true...let those pouts shine girls! )

Experiment with intense shades if you have strong coloring. "Natural contrast gives you more options," says Jill Morton, head of ColorCom, a consultation agency in Honolulu, says of those with exaggerated natural coloring (for example, paper-white skin, black hair, and blue eyes).

Don't play up your eyes. "Pair red lipstick with the lightest possible eye makeup," says lipstick designer Poppy King. A little mascara and beige shadow will do.

Don't toss a red lipstick in a shade that doesn't work. "Top it with a gold gloss to warm and soften it, or add a pink gloss to take it to the bluer side," says makeup artist Maria Verel.

Be precise. That means whether you're using a brush or applying lipstick straight from the tube. "Red lipstick should never be applied casually in the back of a taxi," says Verel.

*As a MAC Artist, this one is HUGE!  Lip brushes are very inexpensive and are fabulous to carry with you for touch ups!  

Prevent "bleeding." Apply a little concealer around the border of your mouth.

Avoid getting lipstick on your teeth. After applying, put your finger in your mouth, purse your lips around it, then slowly pull it out to remove excess color.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chicken Noodle Soup & Some Rest

Being sick is, of course, no fun.  I usually always combat a cold or bacteria fighting bug with LOTS of Vitamin C and just push through it.  That's the Super Woman in me...however, this time, being sick with a babe inside, different story.  After a long New Years weekend of having the Flu, I finally got in to see a doctor and was put on a Z-pak.  I should start to feel the zing of this stuff working soon.  With lots of naps scheduled and time off from school, I should be back to myself in no time! 

Violet seems to be doing good little super baby!  We checked her heart rate and all is normal...just a little stress due to her mama being sicko.  Once Ky is healed, our little family will be back in baby prepping mode.  Here's to a chug of orange juice...cheers!  To good health!

For any mommies out there who are in the same boat, here is a link that may help nurse you back to normal. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tiny Movements

Making progress...pregnancy is wonderful, and I'm loving it.  I have been feeling tired, but I do enjoy taking naps, so it's not too bad.  It is crazy to think that in a few short months, our little one will be here!  

Yesterday, day 1 of 16 weeks I felt the FIRST tiny movements :)  I was sitting in Theory Class, taking notes, and felt a little jitter and didn't really think too much about it until it continued happening for the next 10 minutes...I can't help but smile when I feel him/her jumping for joy inside of it's mama.  It's the coolest feeling to know that my body is nurturing a little even if my back does hurt, and ankles swell, it's ALL worth it :)  

BTW- Baby is 5 inches from crown to rump, plus the legs.  So, probably around 6-6 1/2 inches...grow baby grow!!! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Blissful Autumn

Ready for the BIG news?!  It's been a month and a half for me to get around to putting anything to paper, but I found a free goes.  We found out on September 1, 2011 that I'M PREGNANT!!!!!  We are going to have a baby!!  

I remember that Thursday morning very vividly, and a day that would mark a change in the rest of our lives.  Once I told Kyle, he didn't believe it (of course).  I think that's a man reaction lol.  Then I decided to go to the doctor and confirm and sure enough, the Doc. greeted me with a sturdy handshake and a "congratulations! You are going to be a mom."  Words cannot even express my emotions of that day, but I had to remember to ask the doctor to write it down on paper so that I could show the bf (so he would believe me haha).  As I walked out of the office to my car, I called him, as he was on his way to work to share the news.  He instantly started crying and told me how happy he was and that this was the biggest day of our lives. I a lucky girl or what.  I started tearing up too, and it was an absolutely magical moment. 

Now, I'm 11 1/2 weeks along and in my last week of my first trimester.  So far, it has been good except for the constant headaches (bleh) and nausea every now and then.  My stress levels will hopefully go down now due to my release from work and such a stressful job.  Thank Goodness.  Also, my cravings thus far have been for carbs, breakfast food, and apples.  I wish some sort of protein sounded good, but this baby wants nothing to do with that lol.  So, for now, it's cereal and bagels :) 

Here is the beginning of many more photos to come...the first ultrasound was taken at 7 1/2 weeks...and we saw the healthy heartbeat!!!  The one of me is @ 6 weeks...getting ready for baby bump.