Our Little Story

 Once upon a time...
     Boy Meets Girl.  Kyle & Cameron met 5 years ago working as co-workers at Macy's in the women's shoe department. We were young and he was still a teenager. ( Yes, I'm a year older and he loves to tell everyone that I'm a cougar)  The moment I laid eyes on this 6'2'' boy, my heart fluttered.  I was sweaty, mumbling my words, also at a loss for words, and totally smitten.  Back then, however, he looked like a wannabe gangster with clothes that looked 3x's his size.  But I still adored him...Sean Jean and Fubu wear and all. 
     Then we started dating...December 23rd was our first official day as boyfriend & girlfriend.  Pretty cool anniversary date and we love having our anniversary, Christmas Eve, then Christmas. Makes for a pretty good weekend.

Here's the really short version:
     But anyway, boy and girl dated, fell MADLY in love, FAST.  We dated for 2 weeks and then found out that boy had to go back to college....girl was heartbroken.  So they decided to make it work through instant-messaging (boy, isn't that a thing from the past), emailing, and chatting on the phone all hours of the night.  Then, one night boy tells girl through AIM (instant messenger) that she should move ALL the way out to little ol' Missouri to be with him....of course girl said "YES!" So, that's what she did...sold her car, quit her job, and flew ALLLLL the way to the "Show Me State" with just 2 suitcases to her name.  People called them crazy.  Especially because they had only been dating for about 6 weeks, at this time. But LOVE is a funny thing, and this girl had a lot of faith and trusted in her heart.  It wasn't always easy, actually that first year together was THE HARDEST trial boy and girl have ever gone through, but with lots of prayer, God got us through.  Now, 5 years later, we are more in love with each other than ever before. We are back home in our beautiful state of California, and welcoming lots of new changes.  We got ENGAGED!!!!!  (September 13th, 2011 to be exact) AND....we are going to have a baby.  Our little love story is finally getting it's happy ending and we are going to prove all those who said it wouldn't last wrong....wow, won't that be a great one to tell the grandkids.
To Be Continued.......

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